
class Registry(name='', bases=())[source]

A registry object is an application registry. It is used by the framework itself to perform mappings of URLs to view callables, as well as servicing other various framework duties. A registry has its own internal API, but this API is rarely used by Pyramid application developers (it’s usually only used by developers of the Pyramid framework). But it has a number of attributes that may be useful to application developers within application code, such as settings, which is a dictionary containing application deployment settings.

For information about the purpose and usage of the application registry, see Pyramid で Zope コンポーネントアーキテクチャを使う.

The application registry is usually accessed as request.registry in application code.


The dictionary-like deployment settings object. See Deployment Settings for information. This object is often accessed as request.registry.settings or config.registry.settings in a typical Pyramid application.


When a registry is set up (or created) by a Configurator, the registry will be decorated with an instance named introspector implementing the pyramid.interfaces.IIntrospector interface. See also pyramid.config.Configurator.introspector.

When a registry is created “by hand”, however, this attribute will not exist until set up by a configurator.

This attribute is often accessed as request.registry.introspector in a typical Pyramid application.

This attribute is new as of Pyramid 1.3.

class Introspectable[source]

The default implementation of the interface pyramid.interfaces.IIntrospectable used by framework exenders. An instance of this class is created when pyramid.config.Configurator.introspectable is called.

This class is new as of Pyramid 1.3.

class Deferred(func)[source]

Can be used by a third-party configuration extender to wrap a discriminator during configuration if an immediately hashable discriminator cannot be computed because it relies on unresolved values. The function should accept no arguments and should return a hashable discriminator.

This class is new as of Pyramid 1.4.


Function which accepts an object and returns it unless it is a pyramid.registry.Deferred instance. If it is an instance of that class, its resolve method is called, and the result of the method is returned.

This function is new as of Pyramid 1.4.

class predvalseq[source]

A subtype of tuple used to represent a sequence of predicate values

This class is new as of Pyramid 1.4.

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